Hammer studios get together at Bray Studios - aug 4th 2007

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Hammer studios get together at Bray Studios - aug 4th 2007

Post by simon »

Just thought id post this information for anyone interested, 2 events were held in 1998 and 1999 at Hammers original studio home at Bray studios near windsor, the events were attended my mays of hammers original studio staff and stars from there films, another event is planned for saturday the 4th august this year again to be hosted at the original bray studios, tickets for the days event are stricktly limited to 150 and the cost is £60.00 per ticket, these are available from Mr Donald Fearney who can be contacted at 020 88066915 for further details, the event again will be attended by many of Hammers veteran stars and studio technicians, it is a great opportunity to talk with many of these people in a relaxed atmosphere,