thirtysomething wrote:Anyone got a today pic of this house?
Think the people who live there know?
How's this?
I did do a bit of a tour round a while back and took lots of location photos. Also got married at Hampden house in the main hall so have a good few interior shots of the main place in my wedding photos.
A lot of the photos I have taken are very similar to those in another thread so I won't post everything but here are a few others of interest. I have loads of Hampden House
A different view of the House that Bled to Death
The fireplace in the Hampden House main hall. This features in a fair few shots thorough the series.
The petshop from Silent Scream. This photo is a couple of years old and the shop is now a Halal meat shop.
Oh wow!
Great pics mate, the very best, Thanks for putting them on, and well done!
not a lot of ghange there, new wall......even the black lamp is still intact.....
Cheers buddy
Went there on Saturday and asked the shopkeeper and was told it was one of the two houses which I asked the owner and his answer was yes. I will post the photos soon.