Filming Location:


Guardian of The Abyss

Laura Stephen’s antique shop is located on Hill Avenue, just down from the post office which you can see in the shots below.

Charlie Boy

The same shop as used for Laura Stephens antique shop in Guardian of The Abyss, is used as Heinz’s antique shop in Charlie Boy. Although you don’t get to see an exterior shot, you can see from the items hanging in the shop window and the view of the road outside, that the two locations are the same.

You can see the Fiat garage opposite, which in the Guardian scene have had their for sale signs removed. You can also see opposite Davies Furnishings Ltd which was and still is located at Sycamore Place, Hill Avenue.

Carpathian Eagle

St. John’s Methodist Church on Woodside Road was used for the location of the police station. Credit for finding this location goes to IMDB.

After years of searching and wondering Kevin Flanagan has finally found the location of the business man’s house. It’s Tudor House on Sycamore Road.
Business Mans House
Business Mans House Now